By Joe Slater Via Bulletin Gold
Do you look like God? Every human is made in His
image, yet people’s physical appearance varies widely.
If we had lived while Jesus walked the earth, we
could have pointed to Him and truly said, “There goes
God!” Jesus Himself told Philip, “He who has seen Me
has seen the Father” (John 14:9). But the Bible says
precious little of how He looked except that He was
ordinary (Isaiah53:2).Fast-forward past the Renaissance
painters who depict Him as an effeminate,stringy-haired,
blue-eyed European!
Facial features, height, weight, and skin tone don’t
make you look like God anyway! Such characteristics
may indicate that you have your parents’ genes, and that
may become more obvious as the years pass.
But the passing of those same years ought to make
us, as God’s children, look more like Him. We are to be
transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans
12:2). That transformation is what makes us a reflection
of God in His glory (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Look at Jesus! I don’t mean His physical attributes;
those aren’t the point. Look at His attitude; see His love;
ponder His purpose; observe His selfless sacrifice. You
ought to be notably more like Him than you were a year
ago… five years ago… ten years ago.
Do you look like God?