Joe Slater Via Bulletin Gold
While salary is obviously important, job hunters know hat
benefits can be equally or more important. Health insurance, paid
vacation, retirement, sick days, and other considerations may tip
the scale as to whether one accepts an employer’s offer.
Becoming a Christian isn’t a perfect parallel to being
employed, so don’t make more of this illustration than you
should, God doesn’t “owe” us anything for working for Him!
Nevertheless, by His grace He provides valuable benefits to Hlis
willing servants. That was true even under the Law of Moses.
David exclaimed, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all
His benefits” (Psalm 103:2). Psalm 116:12 rhetorically asks,
“What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?”
Do we recognize and appreciate the benefits of being a
Christian? Let’s start with the most obvious one: forgiveness of
sins, God washed us completely clean in the blood of the Lamb.
Our debt is paid in full!
That naturally results in eternal life. We have a new life in
Christ now, and we know that when our physical life ends, we
will continue to live with the Lord.
In the meanwhile, we enjoy the privilege of prayer. Through
our mediator, Jesus Christ, we can approach the Father’s throne
of grace boldly, knowing that He will hear and answer ín
whatever way is best according to His infinite wisdom and love.
These benefits are but the beginning of a virtually endless list
of advantages Christians have. And remember, we earned none
of them, Our loving Father provides them by His grace.
What other benefits can you list?