By Bill Brandstatter Via Bulletin Gold
I was talking to a lady once about the second coming of
Christ. She stated, “I am not ready yet.” I thought about
what that statement revealed and what it can tell
First, being ready is not on my terms, but on Christ’s.
I must do what He wants me to do. His word will be the
basis for judgment (Jn. 12:48). I cannot get ready by my
own merit or standard. Jesus warned us to be ready and
on the alert. To be ready means I have made the proper
preparation. Preparation requires effort. To the
persecuted Christians in the first century, Peter
encourages them to “add to your faith (2 Pet. 1:5).
Second, being ready being watchful. The Bible uses
the term “watch” to describe the day of the second
coming of Christ. He will only come back once. We
don’t know when, only the Father knows. If I am
watchful in anything, I am on guard. I watch those items
which will damage me. I watch to make sure the items
I need are the ones I have. Watching for the second
coming of Christ works the same way. Jesus used this
term. Watch means to be on the lookout or to be aware
of what is going on around us.
Third, being ready doesn’t mean we wait till the last
minute. Too many people have a lot of “baggage” they
want to get rid of before Christ comes back. I am
convinced that if the Bible gave us an exact time the
Lord would return, there would be some who would
wait untila split second before to get things right; but
we are not told the time; therefore, any minute we wait
could be the last minute.