Rob Redden via Bulletin Gold

For you once were not a people, but now you are the people
of God: you had net received mercy, but now you have
received mercy”. (1 Peter 2:10 NAS)

The Jews looked down on the Gentiles, the Gentiles loathed
the Jews and the Pharisees despised the Jewish common folk.
There was plenty of loathing back then as there is today. But the
Lord makes a difference, changing self-loathing people into
valued souls. Jesus died for sinners.

The Broadway musical Man of LaMancha, with its theme
song. To Dream the Impossible Dream,” featured a ridiculous
knight named Don Quixote. He rides through the Spanish
countryside mistaking windmills for giants During his
adventures he meets a cheap woman in a tavern. Any man can
have this woman for one night, but no man wants her for life.
Then Don Quixote rides into town. The people treat her like dirt.
But Don Quixote bows before her as though she were a queen.
She puts herself down, but he lifts her up. When she finally is
convinced that he really believes in her, she begins to believe in
herself. She found a friend who says she is priceless even when
she feels worthless.

This story was told several times at a Marriage Encounter
seminar Linda and I attended many years ago; it has left an
indelible impression on us. We are here to help others to see themselves
as lovable souls and give them hope. We may make a difference in the
lives of those who sadly see themselves as losers.

Christian, let’s look past the veneer and see how damaged a
precious soul is because of his or her past, and see that just a
caring, loving helping hand may change a soul’s life for the Lord.