Joe Slater Via Bulletin Gold

The Lone Ranger Perry Mason – Superman. When you
watched those old black-and-white TV shows, you knew all
along that by the time the credits rolled the bad guys would be
defeated, the good guys would be vindicated, and justice would
prevail. No matter how hopeless it looked, the Lone Ranger and
Tonto would arrest the bandits, Perry Mason would prove his
client innocent, and Superman would confound the crooks.
Real life doesn’t quite match a thirty-minute drama, or even a
sixty-minute one, does it? Innocent people get railroaded!
Criminals remain free! Might makes right! Whatever shall we do
about life’s inequities?

First, make certain you aren’t the perpetrator of evil. “Let none
of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer:, or as a busybody
in other people’s matters” (1 Peter 4:15).

Second, when you suffer despite being innocent, take it
patiently as a way to glorify God. That goes double if being a
Christian is the cause of the abuse (1 Peter 4:16). Jesus suffered
infinitely more than you ever will, and He was 100% innocent.
You shouldn’t expect to be treated better than He was.

Finally, rest assured that justice really will prevail in the final
analysis. It will take longer than thirty or sixty minutes. In fact,
it may not happen in your lifetime! But, as the old song says,
“There’s a great day coming by and by.” We might prefer to see
all the accounts settled now. Since God’s wisdom eclipses ours,
however, we will do well to “run with endurance the race that is
set before us” (Hebrews 12:10).