Ron Thomas

via Bulletin Gold

Let me spell the word m-o-t-h-e-r, with a message to complement. M is for Mature. Do you remember when mom always seemed to have the right answer, and when she gave the answer, it was with the right spirit and attitude (I remember that).

O is for Open. Mothers who love their children will have an “open door policy” with the kids. That simply means that when trouble is brewing in the youth, mom is there to lend a hand.

Tis for Teacher. Can hardly think of mom without there being some component of teaching involved. Mom taught things of importance like personal hygiene, laundry, or doing the dishes because that was women’s work! (Boy, did I learn about that!)

H is for Health. I remember that when I got sick, I never wanted dad to tend to my needs or concerns. He would have been there and done what was needed, but gruff and “suck it up” just wasn’t the same as the tender *honey,” and “sweet heart.”

E is for Expectations. Mothers who love their children will have expectation and, when they are not met, the child (or children) will suffer consequences. I learned early that suffering was less than pleasant.

R is for Remember. Mom had (has) a memory that just doesn’t need to work as good as it did (at least whenI was in trouble!), but on the other hand I am glad it works as well as it does. Let our “memory” work the same, and be sure to wish your mother (and all mothers) a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!