This question may not matter to you. I believe we are at liberty to
choose within the options the Bible provides. What is your image of
Jesus? There are a lot of artists who have depicted Him. The images
have taken on the aspects of the particular culture in which they
were created. Most of them have an eye pleasing, peaceful, angelic
image of Him, which is contrary to Isaiah’s prophecy (53:2). Some
depict Him with sheep, some with children and some on the cross,
all of which happened at some time and all of which speak to His
earthly appearance. What if I told you there was another way to
look at Jesus the Christ?The apostle John writes more about the image
and person of the Christ than any other apostle. It is John that writes
about His origin, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). It is John who records
Jesus’ seven “I Am” statements: “Bread of life” (6:48), “Light of the
world” (8:12), “the Door” (10:7), “the Good Shepherd” (10:11), “the
Way, the Truth and the Life” (14:6), and “the True Vine” (15:1). In the
gospel of John (21:12-14) and in his first letter (1:1-4), John makes it
clear that the resurrected Jesus was not a ghost but the real living
person of Jesus. With so much being written by John about the
presage of the Christ, it is no wonder that he would be the one to
record the most powerful images of the exalted Savior.
When John was on the Isle of Patmos, the visions that he was shown
of heaven and things that “must soon take place” (Revelation 1:1)
included imagery of the Exalted Christ. In the opening chapter of
Revelation, John records what he sees of Jesus: voice like thunder
or many waters (1:10,15), clothed in a robe with golden sash (1:13),
hair like white wool (1:14), eyes like fire (1:14), feet like molten
bronze (1:15), two-edged sword for a tongue (1:16), and His face
shown like the sun (1:16). This was such an impressive sight that
John fell down as though he was dead. Jesus comforts John and tells
him to write to the seven churches of Asia. Jesus opens these letters
with a description of Himself, some of which comes from John’s vision
of Him. It is important to note that Jesus would use the imagery of His
exalted form to address these letters. It is this form that would
impress upon them the changes they needed to make. It was this form
that would encourage those congregations suffering persecution. If
you were under the thumb of an abusive government, who would you
want as your Savior? A nice looking guy holding a sheep or the exalted
King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev. 19:11-16)? Tremble and repent
at the thought of Him who has the eyes of flaming fire. Take courage
and fight with the One who judges and wages war.