John Gipson Via Bulletin Gold

If I read the signs of the times correctly, we consider
tolerance to be the greatest sin imaginable. Tolerance,
on the other hand, has been exalted to the chief of all
virtues. And woe to that person who would speak out
against any religion or claim that Christ is the only way
to the Father. Such intolerance!

Forgive me ifI have the sneaking suspicion that there
are those who are willing to tolerate everything because
they believe nothing. If everything is innocuous,
toleration is easy

Apparently, the only exception the tolerant are willing
to make is intolerance to those whom they perceive to
be intolerant. In that case, no quarter will be given, and
toleration vanishes.

But what if Caballero was right when he said, “Error
tolerates, truth condemns.”?

What if Jesus was speaking the truth when He said, “I
am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one comes to
the Father but by me'”? Where is your toleration now?

Preachers would do well to heed the words of
Elizabeth Achtemcier: “As preacher, your job is to
preach the text, not apologize for it.” And that goes
for all of us who seek to share the gospel of Christ.