by Roger Rush
Spirituality is a highly sought after quality, and has been throughout the ages. In the ancient city of Ephesus, sacred prostitutes served daily in the temple of Diana because it was thought that sexual union brought closer union with the gods. Mothers have thrown their babies into the crocodile-infested Ganges River in the search for spirituality. In Jesus’ own day Jews washed meticulously, dressed ridiculously and wouldn’t even eat an egg laid on the Sabbath in their quest for greater spirituality.
What is spirituality ? W. E. Vine writes regarding spirituality and the spiritual man: “Things that have their origin in God, and which, therefore, are in harmony with His character…the spiritual man walks by the Spirit…and manifests the fruits of the Spirit in his life.” It is that quality of life that results from a right relationship with God. It is evidenced by such things as love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self- control (Galatians 5:22, 23).
The essence of spirituality is reflected in Paul’s prayer for the church at Philippi. He prayed that they would approve the things that are excellent, and that they would be sincere and without offense until Christ came (Philippians 1:10). That should be our goal. Spiritual men have eternal values. They follow a divine standard. They live a distinctive life.
Our search for spirituality will not be complete until we learn the will of God and make it our own. That is only possible when we become careful Bible students. The Bible, understood and applied, makes for spiritual men and women. Spirituality may be a difficult concept to define, but a spiritual person is easily recognizable.
Are you searching for greater spirituality?