The events surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus hold special meaning for all Christians. Perhaps the following thoughts might add a special dimension to these events.
Simon, a Cyrenian, literally carried the cross of Jesus. When we read this account, can it not serve to remind us to take up our cross and follow Him? Can it not remind us that He depends on our help to carry out His will on earth (Mark 8:34)?
When we picture in our minds the outstretched, nailed hands and arms of Jesus, we can recall His words, “Come unto Me..” His arms are always open to receive us (Matt. 11:28).
The two thieves who were crucified with Jesus were situated, one on His right and one on His left. At the second coming, when He sits upon the throne of His glory, all nations will be separated one from another; the saved on His right and the lost on His left. This can be a reminder to be on the “right” side of Jesus (Matt. 25:33).
The cruel death Jesus suffered is an example to remind us that we too can face whatever type of death is in store for us. He will see us through it (Heb. 4:16).
Jesus had the disciple whom He loved (John) to take His mother into John’s own house. This is a lesson to us that, unlike Cain’s question to the contrary, we are our brother’s keeper. We have a charge to love and take care of the needs of our brethren (1 John 3:17).
The parting of Christ’s garments can serve to remind us all not to be concerned about the material aspects of life. We must lay up for ourselves “treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:19).
The title Pilate wrote and put on the cross, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS, should remind us daily that Jesus “…is King of kings and Lord of lords” (John 19:19; Rev. 19:16). We must honor Him and acknowledge His power always and in all ways.