Edd Sterchi Via Bulletin Gold
Oftentimes a prayer will begin this way: “Let us pray..” Since Paul
was one who imitated Christ in his life (cf. 1 Cor. 11:1), maybe we
should alter the phrase to, “Let us pray like Paul did.” How did Paul
pray? There is a good example of how he prayed in 2 Cor. 12:8 where
he himself prayed pertaining to an affliction, “Concerning this thing I
pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.” To
pray like Paul did we must pray …
. . . specifically. Paul prayed “concerning” that particular infirmity
(.e. the thon in his flesh, 2 Cor. 12:7). We would do well in our
personal prayers to be very personal. We should pray concerning
specific matters in our life. Our personal prayers are just between us
and God. That is why we are to go to a very private place when we pray
(cf. Matt. 6:6). Personal prayers are not the time to generalize.
. . . entreatingly. Paul “pleaded with the Lord.” It is important that we
pour out our hearts and emotions before the Lord. With our innermost
feelings we should let our “requests be made known to God” (Phil.
. . . repeatedly. Paul prayed “three times.” Too many times, we pray
for something once (if even that) and let it go. Pray about it over and
over again. We need to remember that Jesus Himself taught the
importance of persistence in prayer (cf. Luke 18:1-8). Indeed, let us
“pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17).
. . . purposefully. Paul prayed concerning this burden “that it might
depart.” We should also pray with great purpose and intent-with much
resolve and determination. We should always “continue earnestly in
prayer, being vigilant in it” (Col. 4:2).
Paul’s prayer was answered, albeit not the way he initially desired.
But his prayer was heard and answered with what was best for him. Let
us all takea lesson from this great man of prayer and resolve to improve
our own prayer lives. Now, “Let us pray…”