”And whatever you does that mean? It certainly must be important because it applies ton do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father” (Col. 3:17).
Paul plainly states that what we say (word) and what we do (deed) should be done in “the name of the Lord Jesus.” But what does that mean? It certainly must be important because it applies to “whatever you do…
In the name of the Lord’ means to say and do things…
By His Authority – Does the Lord Jesus authorize me to do and say whatever I’m doing and saying? Is this what He really wants me to do or have I been presumptuous in going ahead without consulting the Lord?
For His Benefit If Jesus is Lord (ruler) of my life then I will strive to render Him benefit. I will not serve self. I will be about the business my Lord called me to do. I will go where He sends me.
To His Glory – When we have success in carrying on the work of the Lord, we must be careful of pride. It is easy to have the look what I’ve done” spirit rather than the humble spirit the Lord wants us to exhibit. What we do should be done for the purpose of rendering honor and glory to His name and not our own.
When a slave was sent by his master on a mission, he went in the name of his master…not his own name. This means it was by his master’s AUTHORITY and not his own; it was to render his master BENEFIT and not himself; and it was done to the GLORY of his master. We are slaves of Christ on a mission for Him…let us do all things in the name of the Lord.