By Joe Slater Via Bulletin Gold

We use innumerable acronyms to shorten emails, text messages,
etc. “LOL’ (laughing out loud), IMO (in my opinion), and Btw
(by the way) are only the start of a virtually endless list. Have
you noticed this one? BFF (best friend forever).

This person'” (you fill in the name) “is my BFF!” It might be
someone you’ve known since early childhood; maybe it’s a
spouse; maybe it’s your spouse whom you’ve known from early
childhood! Regardless, having friends helps us navigate through
life’s ups and downs.

I’m blessed with many friends, and I hope you are too! I’d be
hard pressed to identify which of my friends (among my fellow-
mortals) is my “best friend.” Some whom I’ve counted as friends
in the past have, by their behavior, made it clear that they are no
longer my friends. I regret that, but I realize I cannot change other
people’s thoughts and actions.

Christians have no trouble identifying their “best friend
forever”! “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down
one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13). We know Jesus is the best
friend we could possibly have, and He will never forsake us. Who
else could ever qualify as our “best friend forever”?

A challenging question for me is, “Am I a friend to Jesus?
We sing, “I’ll be a friend to Jesus”- but look at what the Lord
Himself said: “You are My friends if you do whatever
Command you” (John 15:14). Having warm fuzzy feelings
Jesus is fine, but loving him and being His friend goes well
beyond subjective criteria. Who among us would claim to be the 
best friend Jesus has? But we can, indeed, be His friends forever.

Let’s do that!